Granite Blouse


Granite Blouse

The eclectic sleeveless blouse in handwoven tones of blue, purple, green, yellow accents and wooden buttons at the back opening. It is completely upcycled from post production remnants of handwoven fabric to create the unique hue and texture of stitch and weave. Every last bit of fabric is patched and quilted in interesting textures.

This can be layered to create eclectic looks with pant suits, skirts and saris. 


Handwoven by local artisans in India

100% indigenous pure cotton


Ethically made




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Granite Blouse

The eclectic sleeveless blouse in handwoven tones of blue, purple, green, yellow accents and wooden buttons at the back opening. It is completely upcycled from post production remnants of handwoven fabric to create the unique hue and texture of stitch and weave. Every last bit of fabric is patched and quilted in interesting textures.

This can be layered to create eclectic looks with pant suits, skirts and saris. 

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